The Delos Blodget House

Lvklock -
Own work,
CC BY-SA 4.0,
A grand opportunity awaits you in the Daytona area -- an opportunity to
own of a piece of history. It's an opportunity that will bring deep satisfaction to anyone who wishes to
take it - the ownership and/or the restoration of a historic home.
It is often said, "What's past is prologue." In real
estate, the past can indeed determine the future, when buyers choose to
restore or preserve a historic property.
Before making an investment in history, though, potential
homebuyers should consider these questions:
What are the particular regulations governing the
property you are looking to purchase?
Does the house need extensive restoration?
Are original or substitute materials available for
Are craftsmen who are knowledgeable about historical
materials and building systems available?
How will the house be appraised?
Knowing what to look for is an important first step. Potential buyers should understand
that there are significant differences between a historic house and a new one. Before
purchasing a historic home, consumers will want to research just how much restoration is
needed and how much the restoration will cost. That includes, of course, uncovering any
possible environmental problems not typically found in new construction, such as the
presence of asbestos or lead-based paint.
Knowledge of any structural problem and the time and money needed to fix it should not
only influence the decision of whether to buy, but also how much to offer. In some cases,
the seller may be required to undertake some of the work as part of the purchase
Yet, the advantages of owning a historic house often outweigh the work that goes into
finding and securing one. There is a rewarding sense of history in the unique detailing
and meticulous craftsmanship found in historic homes as well as the satisfaction of
Remember that not every old home is historic. A historic home is an example of the
cultural or physical development of a community, state or nation due to its architecture
or association with an important historical figure or event.
If a home does qualify as a historic property, then it may be listed individually or as
part of a historic district. The listing of a building or district in the National Park
Service's National Register of Historic Places provides public recognition of its
importance but will not interfere with an owner's right to alter, sell or determine
how an individual property may be used.
For a list of historical properties, contact the the
National Trust for Historic
Preservation at 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20038.