There's a great deal of commercial real estate activity in the greater Daytona Beach area! Our CID will help you stay informed about the commercial real estate market and important issues.
Buddy Budiansky, 2023 Chair

Robert Campbell, 2023 Vice Chair
Meetings are open to all DBAAR members and Business Partners and are held via ZOOM on the following dates for 2023:
January 4, February 1, March 1, April 5, May 3, June 7, August 2, September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6
Sign up for Volusia County's weekly economic development newsletter!
New! Dr. Mueller's Presentation on Commercial Real Estate Cycles!
Gary Ralston's Demographics Presentation!
VCARD's Land Development Guide!
Learn About DBAAR'S Partnership With Crexi!
Volusia County Designated Commercial Space Industry Opportunity Overlay (CSIOO)
New!! Read a 2-part post full of resources for commercial practitioners!
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