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Candace Curtis,

2011 Chair, Daytona Beach Association International Council      

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News You Can Use
September 2011 - #2
Work continues on the effort to create one global industry organization through the integration of ICREA and FIABCI. A joint letter sent last week provided an update to both groups' member organizations. Read the highlights here, along with other news from View a complete list of news postings at
TRC LogoTRC courses are scheduled at upcoming events in Mexico, Brazil and at a World Summit in the US. Can't travel? Register today for ICREA's online Transnational Referral Certified course (TRC) at TRCs receive a special discount off the Premium agent package at Learn more...
News from ICREA

ICREA-FIABCI alliance talks continue

Representatives of ICREA and  FIABCI met in London in August, reaching consensus to pursue the investigation of a full integration of the two organizations, forming one global organization for the real estate industry. The group is currently working on a full analysis of all aspects of an integration. Member organizations can look for a detailed report later this month with for review and requested feedback.
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Italian federation opposes tax plan

FIAIP opposes a proposed property taxation measure under consideration by the Italian government as part of a national austerity plan, arguing that the measure will lead to a real estate depression and hurt millions of homeowners.
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New Zealand housing prices back to pre-recessionary levels 

Housing prices are up along with the projected demand for housing in the nation's largest city, resulting in a return for investors.
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News from Overseas Property Professionals & European Real Estate

Check out more industry's news from OPP and European Real Estate at
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News from WorldProperties.comG    
ICREA-FIABCI Alliance Update - September 2011
ICREA-FIABCI Alliance Update
Following a meeting of board representatives of ICREA and FIABCI in London last month, theFIABCI logo - quad workgroup reported good progress towards the creation of one fully integrated global organization which embraces all sectors of the real estate industry. In a joint letter from FIABCI World President Alexander Romanenko and ICREA Chair Alan Tennant of June 1st, both boards expressed a shared core vision that the time has come that a much closer alliance between FIABCI and ICREA best serves the needs of the international real estate industry, its associations and their individual practitioners. One fully integrated global organization will enhance the chapter network and deliver to constituent members products and services that facilitate cross-border business. One integrated organization will also more credibly represent the interests of the global real estate industry and advocate real property rights.

Last month’s meeting produced consensus to pursue the investigation of a full integration of the two organizations and a detailed analysis of all aspects of this integration to ensure that future decisions can be taken on the basis of the fullest possible discussion and membership consultation. It is foreseen the branding of an international real estate federation would take full advantage of the FIABCI and the Worldproperties brands.

WorldProperties 2010 Logo_Smaller sizeMember organizations will be sent a document outlining in detail the concept along with a proposed model for full integration of the two organizations. Member organizations will be asked to provide specific feedback and comments on the concept of full integration and on the information provided. Based on feedback received, the ICREA and FIABCI boards will prepare a subsequent document for presentation to their respective memberships for discussion at meetings in Lisbon in December.

A final decision is not foreseen in December; however, based on the input of the respective memberships, it is the aim of the workgroup to propose to both boards to obtain approval of the respective memberships for the direction for moving forward. A thorough member consultation process will take place to ensure a complete information process and opportunity for feedback and comments from the membership. The workgroup and both boards are mindful that – whilst the ‘train must keep moving’ – a decision should only be based on consensus and agreement of the membership of both organizations.


International Council Web Page

2011 Meeting Dates
all meetings are at the DBAAR and begin at 9 a.m. unless otherwise noted
February 18 April 8  June 17
August 12  October 21 December 9